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Why Filter the Air? To Protect Your Health


air-filtersThe air we breathe is a sea of particles too small to be seen with the naked eye. These particles are known as dust, pollen, bacteria, mold spores, mineral dust, animal hair, and dander. They are harmful pollutants because they act as Goodman for viruses and work their way into our clothes, furniture, computers, and lungs. Breathing these particles can lead to minor allergies or more complicated respiratory problems.

Air Filters. Don’t be confused between Arrestence and Efficiency.
When you buy a filter, you should look for a higher efficiency such as pleated rather than a higher arrestance such as fiberglass.


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The efficiency of an air filter removes microscopic particles such as dust, dust mites, pollen, mold, bacteria, and smoke. The arrestance of an air filter removes larger particles such as dirt, lint, hair, and dust. All filters come in custom made sizes.

When placing the appropriate air conditioning filter in to the system, the filter should be placed in the correct direction as indicated by the arrow located on the side or face of the filter. Air should flow in the proper direction which is in the same direction as the arrows. This allows the filter to work appropriately, as the air exits the filter in the most reinforced part of the filter.

The air conditioning filter should fit tightly. A perfect seal is necessary to prevent unfiltered air from entering and damaging your air conditioning system. Without a perfect seal and appropriate sizing, the filter is useless. Additionally, the non-conventional filters may have a higher efficiency and may not fit your system. This should be checked with an air conditioning company, contractor, or air conditioning supply company.

Conventional Fiberglass Disposable Filters (1″ and 2″): These are common in most homes and small industrial air conditioners and commercial air conditioning systems. Since they are disposable and have an adhesive coating that traps the dust, you should not clean the filters. This may damage the filter’s ability to remove particles by damaging the adhesive coating and/or the underlying mesh work. They are both not as effective as other types of filters even though they are lower in cost.

Pleated Fiberglass Disposable Filters (1″ and 2″): The 1″ are generally used in many residential and commercial settings and are made of materials that can vary in the effectiveness. Usually, they are more densely woven to increase the efficiency of removing dirt. These have a larger surface area to lead to increased trapping of particles as compared to conventional filters. They must be specified for your air conditioning system or this can lead to increased demand on your air conditioning components. Thereby, a mismatch can be counterproductive on the health of the air conditioning system and possibly lead to higher air conditioning maintenance and service cost. You should check with the air conditioning manufacturer as to the appropriate type of pleated filter for your system. A filter spray can also be applied after the cleaning and drying of the air conditioning air filter.

Electrostatic Filters : Different in design and performance, since there are so many varieties, it is rather difficult to determine which is the most efficient. They are commonly advertised as allergy-free air conditioning filters. These filters also come in the 1″ and 2″ sizes. Air that moves through the filter creates a static charge that collects any dust in the filter. They may require more cleaning and more blower power.

Electronic Filters Connected to an electrical power source and usually wall mounted, electronic filters come with a pre-filter that can collect larger particles and only need to be cleaned every six months.

Carbon Filters : These filters contain carbon that can control any odor problems you might have within the air conditioning system. They can also be useful in homes with pets.

Order Pleated Fiberglass Filters Below:
Inches wide
Inches Long
Inches Thick

X 12 = Total Filters
*Please note, all filters are made to the exact size ordered.